artificial intelligence

ai email writer

Top ChatGPT Alternatives for Writing Emails

Here are a few AI email writing tools to check out other than the obvious ChatGPT. ChatGPT is undoubtedly one of the best AI tools we have ever experienced, as it lets us perform complex and time-consuming tasks in seconds. We can create lengthy codes, emails, blogs, CTAs, social media captions, and much more by…

ai trip planner tools

AI Travel Planners: Hands on testing of 4 tools!

These AI planning tools can help you plan a vacation with just a few clicks. As lovely as vacations sound, they do take a lot of work, from packing to booking to the greatest task of all – planning where to go, what to see and what to eat! Now with AI you can eliminate…

ai content detectors

Top AI Content Detector Tools for Publishers

With such a lot of machine content making rounds, AI content detectors are the need of the hour. Read on to see how effective they are against a ChatGPT-generated sample. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer synonymous with merely science fiction movies. From text-to-speech to voice-controlled air conditioning, AI has infiltrated our lives with its…

what is chatgpt, what it can do

What is ChatGPT and its Real-life Use?

ChapGPT is making headlines for many reasons. And there is a truckloads of misinformation about this AI tool. So, let’s clear some air and see what it is and if you can use it for any good. Artificial Intelligence has been trying to replace the living for many years. It has been partly successful which…

computer vision

5 Important Applications of Computer Vision in Automotive Industry

Computer vision may not be as complicated as you might think. You could’ve used computer vision in scanning any barcode with your smartphone? Or if you have googled an image with Google Lens? As a matter of fact, applications of computer vision are now way more common than they used to be just a few…